
What is anxiety?

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Understanding anxiety

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Anxiety is our body's natural response to stress caused by situations and events that make us feel worried, afraid or unsafe. It can impact our thoughts and feelings and be felt as physical sensations.

Typically, we experience anxiety about things that might happen in the future. However, we can also be anxious about things that happened in the past or are happening in the present moment.

Why do we feel anxious?

Even though they might feel uncomfortable, stress and anxiety are important ways we keep ourselves safe.

When we're in situations that feel threatening or dangerous, our brain automatically triggers our body's 'fight, flight or freeze' response, which releases hormones like cortisol and adrenaline.

This response can:

  • Make us more alert
  • Increase oxygen flow to our muscles so we can respond more quickly
  • Reduce our perception of pain, allowing us to focus on the moment.

It's normal to experience anxiety before, during, and after stressful situations. However, there are a few common causes that may make you experience anxiety more frequently and intensely.

  • How common is anxiety?

    If you are experiencing anxiety, you are not alone.

    Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia, with 1 in 4 people (1 in 3 women, and 1 in 5 men) experiencing anxiety at some stage in their life.

    With the right support, recovery is possible for everyone.

When is anxiety a problem?

Experiencing anxiety from time to time is a normal and healthy response to stress.

However, anxiety can be classed as a mental health condition if the symptoms you experience start to impact your daily life.

You may want to speak to a health professional if:

  • Your feelings of anxiety are very strong or last a long time
  • Your fears or worries are bigger than the stressor itself
  • You avoid situations that might cause you to feel anxious
  • Your worries feel distressing or are hard to control
  • Your anxiety continues after the stressor has passed
  • You find it hard to live your life to the fullest or do things you enjoy.

No matter how overwhelming your symptoms might feel, all types of anxiety are treatable.

I can't always explain why I feel anxious. Sometimes, my body just seems to react to something before I get a chance to tell it everything is okay.

If you'd like more information on anxiety, you can:

You can download, save, and print our anxiety factsheet by clicking here.

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