If life in danger call Triple Zero 000
If life in danger call Triple Zero 000

Donating Goods

It is through your donations and purchases at a Lifeline shop in your local community, that we can answer the call from people in need.

Lifeline Shops

All goods sold through Lifeline Shops help to financially support local centres, counselling services, telephone crisis support training and suicide prevention programs.

We are reliant on the ongoing support and generosity of the community to help stock our Lifeline Shops.

What to donate

We are always accepting safe, clean, good-quality items, as a general rule, if you’d give it to a friend, you can donate it. Including

  • Clothing
  • Books
  • bric-a-brac
  • homewares
  • Furniture - Selected Lifeline centres only Regrettably not all centres have the capabilities to receive or store furniture.
    Please get in touch with your local centre for confirmation.

Where to donate

It’s easy to make books, other goods and clothes donations. Contact your local centre here

Thank you!

We appreciate your kindness and generosity. It is through your donations and purchases at a Lifeline shop in your local community, that we can answer the call from people in need.