If life in danger call Triple Zero 000
If life in danger call Triple Zero 000


Lifeline has a clearly defined governance framework that promotes transparency and accountability.



Our governance framework is based on a set of values and behaviours that underpin our day to day activities, provide transparency, and protect the interests of stakeholders.

Lifeline is governed in accordance with the documents which can be accessed via the links on the right.

Lifeline Australia Board

The Lifeline Australia Board consists of 12 Board Members – seven directors elected by Members, 2 directors nominated or appointed by the Members of Lifeline Australia and 3 directors appointed by the Board.

The Board is responsible for providing strategic direction, effective governance, and leadership on behalf of the Members.

It can delegate responsibility but not accountability to the Chief Executive Officer of Lifeline Australia. The Board has also established a comprehensive framework of committees to support Lifeline in policy formulation, governance, and accountability. They meet regularly and their minutes or reports inform decisions made at the Board meetings. The terms of reference for each of the Committees can be found to the right, and further details about the Board’s role and responsibilities are defined in the Constitution of Lifeline Australia and in the Lifeline Governance Charter.

The Board of Lifeline Australia actively promote ethical and responsible decision-making.

Lifeline Australia aims to actively promote a corporate culture that supports diversity in the composition of its Board and Senior Management, in the workplace and amongst its Members.

Meet our Board

Our Member Organisations

Lifeline's 17 Members own and operate 43 accredited Lifeline Centres. Lifeline Australia's Membership Policy sets out the criteria for Membership, the obligations of Members, and the processes to be followed where there are disputes between Lifeline Australia and a Member.


The Board has delegated specific responsibilities to the CEO in accordance with the Lifeline Australia Board Charter which broadly outlines the Chief Executive Delegation Policies in terms of:

1. Overarching limitations
2. Financial planning
3. Financial management
4. Investments
5. Remuneration and benefits
6. Protection of assets
7. Communication and support to the Board
8. Emergency Chief Executive succession
9. Employment conditions
10. Privacy
11. Public affairs

The Lifeline Australia Delegations Policy details the limits applicable to specific financial and Human Resourcing actions from the Board to the CEO.

Find out more

For more information about Lifeline visit