If life in danger call Triple Zero 000
If life in danger call Triple Zero 000

Recent submissions

The Lifeline Research Office regularly develops reports and policy submissions to identify gaps and help ensure policy approaches are grounded in evidence-informed crisis support, suicide prevention and postvention approaches.

Policy submissions

Lifeline Australia’s policy submissions draw from our research and on-the-ground practice experiences to advocate for person-centered, compassionate and whole-of-government reform.

Senate Select Committee Disaster Recovery and
Resilience (2023)

Lifeline Australia's submission to the Senate Select Committee on Disaster Recovery and Resilience highlights the clear need for a comprehensive approach to disaster resilience planning that incorporates mental health and wellbeing to accommodate for a future characterised by more frequent and intense climate-driven disasters. 

Inquiry into the extent and nature of poverty
in Australia (2022)

Lifeline Australia’s submission to the extent and nature of poverty in Australia inquiry systematically outlines the impacts of poverty on suicidal thoughts and behaviours and make recommendations for addressing those impacts with a view to reducing lives lost to suicide.

NSW Bushfire Inquiry (2020)

In the 2020 NSW Bushfire Inquiry Lifeline Australia presents case studies of the impact of the bushfires from the perspective of NSW Lifeline Centre’s CEOs and endorses a commitment to digital and in-community offerings as part of any coordinated response to future disasters.

Productivity Commission Inquiry Report into Mental Health (2019)

Lifeline Australia’s submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Mental Health argues for the need to focus on the impact of suicide and provides recommendations to build and enhance resilience at a whole-of-population level.

Victorian Royal Commission into Mental Health (2019)

Lifeline Australia’s submission to the Victorian Royal Commission into Mental Health highlights the need for a whole-of-community suicide prevention approach