If life in danger call Triple Zero 000
If life in danger call Triple Zero 000

Our Strategy

For more than 60 years, Lifeline Australia has been a leading player in advocating for an Australia free of suicide. Our commitment to supporting help seekers has not wavered. We are proud to create and deliver services that provide support for those experiencing crisis. We will continue to work with our partners to deliver better services and improved help pathways so that no one needs to face their darkest moments alone.

Our support services are a destination for help.

Our goal is a support system that is integrated and easy to access for the help seeker. Helplines play a critical role in suicide prevention and crisis support across prevention, crisis and postvention support. In many cases, our helpline and digital services offer critical early support that prevents further escalation of suicidal thought and behaviour. Help seekers in crisis trust our support to navigate the system and find the right services.

Transform help seeker outcomes and experience

The five strategic objectives complement each other and build on Lifeline Australia’s transformation over the past five years.

Champion a more connected system

Make services easier to access and navigate through promoting sector collaboration and consolidation.

  • Boost impact for help seekers
  • Simplify the entry point for help seekers
  • Assist help seekers to connect with further support.

Strengthen service design

Embed the help seeker at the heart of our service design and delivery.

  • Utilise data to understand help seekers and inform enhanced service design
  • Invest in our technology platform to support continuous improvement of service delivery
  • Develop services to meet the needs of priority segments.

Promote evidence-based responses

Demonstrate how Lifeline supports help seekers by understanding their needs and what works.

  • Raise awareness of help seeker needs
  • Understand and demonstrate the impact of Lifeline Australia’s crisis response services
  • Demonstrate the importance of locally-delivered services.

Accelerate the power of our workforce

Boost the sustainability and capability of our workforce by redesigning our workforce model.

  • Optimise the value of the crisis supporter experience
  • Improve workforce capacity and capability.

Optimise our national network

Leverage our network and support our Members to make the greatest impact through locally-delivered and crisis response services.

  • Maximise the network structure to reflect the diversity of Member strengths
  • Ensure a consistent response to help seekers
  • Increase the value and use of shared services
  • Test innovation through our Members.