Improving Lifeline’s Services
Our project to better support people who regularly call Lifeline
A project focused on building a deeper understanding of the needs of people who regularly call Lifeline.
This will enable us to:
Starting with existing research and learnings from past projects, we are safely trying new ways of providing support over the phone for people who call regularly.
Lifeline’s 13 11 14 service is a confidential service so we cannot verify the identity of individuals that have contacted our service. Our telephone system is, however, able to identify phone numbers that call regularly, allowing Lifeline to adapt our support to better meet people’s needs. For more information on how Lifeline handles personal information, please visit our privacy policy.
All new approaches and changes to the experience of calling Lifeline will go through a rigorous review to ensure they are safe, aimed at improving our service and will not reduce callers trust in Lifeline.