If life in danger call Triple Zero 000


Our resources are freely available for download so that all Australians can access the information they need to help reduce suicide and encourage help-seeking and help-giving behaviours.

Click here for free downloadable resources for information for yourself or someone you care about who may be struggling.
Suicide has a devastating impact on families, friends and whole communities. The statistics can be confronting; we must remember that behind every number is a human life lost and continue in our determination to achieve an Australia free of suicide.
Click here to access Lifeline Australia's latest media coverage.
It is important that all public messages are safe and life affirming and do not sensationalise suicide. Here you'll find resources for the safe communication and reporting of suicide and mental health as well as media contacts at Lifeline.
Here you'll find Lifeline's latest national media releases.
Lifeline reports and external documents of interest relating to crisis support, suicide prevention and mental health. Publications include relevant social policy submissions and reports, caller profile reports, and research reports.
Shop our range of help resources, merchandise and collateral. To make them as accessible as possible, costs cover printing and distribution only.

A safe place to talk day or night